Friday, June 10, 2011

Obsessive-Compulsive Type

Individuals who match this personality disorder type are ruled by their need for order, precision, and perfection. Activities are conducted in super-methodical and overly detailed ways. They have intense concerns with time, punctuality, schedules, and rules. Affected individuals exhibit an overdeveloped sense of duty and obligation, and a need to try to complete all tasks thoroughly and meticulously. The need to try to do things perfectly may result in a paralysis of indecision, as the pros and cons of alternatives are weighed, such that important tasks may not ever be completed. Tasks, problems, and people are approached rigidly, and there is limited capacity to adapt to changing demands or circumstances. For the most part, strong emotions – both positive (e.g., love) and negative (e.g., anger) – are not consciously experienced or expressed. At times, however, the individual may show significant insecurity, lack of self confidence, and anxiety subsequent to guilt or shame over real or perceived deficiencies or failures. Additionally, individuals with this type are controlling of others, competitive with them, and critical of them. They are conflicted about authority (e.g., they may feel they must submit to it or rebel against it), prone to get into power struggles either overtly or covertly, and act self-righteous or moralistic. They are unable to appreciate or understand the ideas, emotions, and behaviors of other people.

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Love Is Cinta, I'm Sorry, Please Forgive Me, I Love YOU, THANK YOU
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Counselor To Be

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabaratuh.

Salam sejahtera.

Dengan Nama Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, bersyukur kepada-Nya, kerana akhirnya blog 'Counselor To Be' telah berjaya ditubuhkan.

Tujuan penubuhan blog ini adalah untuk berkongsi ilmu tentang dunia kaunseling dan perjalanan hidup penulis dalam usaha untuk menjadi manusia yang lebih baik.

Semoga penulisan yang dikongsikan dan tercoret di dalam blog ini akan memberi kebaikan buat diri penulis dan pembaca.Kepada bakal kaunselor, terutamanya sahabat-sahabat Batch Realiti, semoga kita akan menjadi kaunselor yang hebat satu hari nanti.A Journey Of Thousand Miles Start With A Single Step! Siti hajar Aliyais

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