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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Bukan Senang nak jadi pendidik

Bidang kaunseling bukanlah satu profesion yang kuminati. Namun , sejak berada di bumi bersama dengan anak-anak kecil di cendekiawan.. aku membuat pilihan untuk berada dalam profesion ini. InsyaAllah ‘Counselor to be’ . Ternyata profesion ini tidaklah semudah yang ramai orang sangkakan. Most of my friends dari course yang berbeza mengatakan .. kaunseling senang.. ‘kamu hanya perlu bercakap sahaja..' namun, reality tidak semudah kata-kata…  yes! Definitely… because dengan kata-kata bisa mengubah sesuatu t/laku, emosi dan pemikiran. Ya ia mungkin akan berubah menjadi lebih baik atau boleh juga berubah menjadi lebih buruk.. Sangat berat tugas itu.. mampukah aku?

Realitinya sekarang.. anak-anak zaman sekarang sangat berbeza dengan zaman kecilku dulu. Mereka sangat moden. Semuanya hanya dihujung jari.. wah! Mereka sangat hebat! Mereka sangat cerdik! Mereka sangat celik! Mereka sangat bijak! Mereka serba tahu dalam semua hal! Namun masih ramai antara mereka kekurangan ilmu ketuhanan. Aku menulis menurut pengalamanku.. mereka sangat kasihan. Ternyata sangat berat tugas seorang pendidik. Mereka memerlukan pendidik yang bisa melembutkan jiwa, yang mendidik jiwa.. yang mengajar mereka akan erti kasih sayang sesama manusia, menghormati orang tua..dan sebagainya. Mereka sangat memerlukan kita sebagai pendidik untuk membentuk sahsiah, akhlak atau personaliti.

Namun , amat menakutkan diriku apabila melihat t.laku bakal pendidik. Bisakah pendidik mendidik? Andai diri ini masih banyak kelopongan yang sangat memerlukan bantuan..  sangat menakutkan melihat apa yang akan terjadi kepada anak-anak kita kelak jika diri kita sendiri tidak betul ,umpama ketam mengajar anak berjalan.. ilmu  sangat penting..!
Sayangilah anak didik kita,didiklah ia dengan baik.Jika betul didikannya, maka insyaAllah akan baiklah ia kelak. Namun lama kelamaan, minat atau tidak berada dalam profesion ini tidak menjadi persoalan, aku hanya ingin melakukan sesuatu yang bisa aku sumbangkan untuk kebaikan ummah yang aku sayangi.. Semoga aku bisa melakukan sesuatu untuk kebaikan mereka semua..
Buat anak-anak didikku di c.e, walau masa bersama kalian sudah berlalu, namun aku tidak berhenti berdoa agar kalian menjadi insan yang cemerlang duniawi dan di akhirat kelak. Semoga anak-anak menjadi insan yang soleh dan solehah, membangunkan ummah!.. Sayang! Tuntutlah ilmu, kerana ia pasti akan memberi kebaikan kepada dirimu kelak! J

Solat Zohor berjemaah- imam Syed Ahmad haiqal

                                            Addin dan rakan-rakan kelas.. rajin-rajin tau!

Akif, kawan baik2..

Salam kasih sayang,
bakal pendidik.. InsyaAllah.. 

p/s : peringatan buat diriku yang selalu terlupa, 
       mendidik itu adalah tugasmu, maka ia adalah amanah buat dirimu.
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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Borderline Type

Individuals who match this personality disorder type have an extremely fragile self-concept that is easily disrupted and fragmented under stress and results in the experience of a lack of identity or chronic feelings of emptiness. As a result, they have an impoverished and/or unstable self structure and difficulty maintaining enduring intimate relationships. Self-appraisal is often associated with self-loathing, rage, and despondency. Individuals with this disorder experience rapidly changing, intense, unpredictable, and reactive emotions and can become extremely anxious or depressed. They may also become angry or hostile, and feel misunderstood, mistreated, or victimized. They may engage in verbal or physical acts of aggression when angry. Emotional reactions are typically in response to negative interpersonal events involving loss or disappointment.

Relationships are based on the fantasy of the need for others for survival, excessive dependency, and a fear of rejection and/or abandonment. Dependency involves both insecure attachment, expressed as difficulty tolerating aloneness; intense fear of loss, abandonment, or rejection by significant others; and urgent need for contact with significant others when stressed or distressed, accompanied sometimes by highly submissive, subservient behavior. At the same time, intense, intimate involvement with another person often leads to a fear of loss of an identity as an individual. Thus, interpersonal relationships are highly unstable and alternate between excessive dependency and flight from involvement. Empathy for others is severely impaired.

Core emotional traits and interpersonal behaviors may be associated with cognitive dysregulation, i.e., cognitive functions may become impaired at times of interpersonal stress leading to information processing in a concrete, black-and white, all-or-nothing manner. Quasi-psychotic reactions, including paranoia and dissociation, may progress to transient psychosis. Individuals with this type are characteristically impulsive, acting on the spur of the moment, and frequently engage in activities with potentially negative consequences. Deliberate acts of self-harm (e.g., cutting, burning), suicidal ideation, and suicide attempts typically occur in the context of intense distress and dysphoria, particularly in the context of feelings of abandonment when an important relationship is disrupted. Intense distress may also lead to other risky behaviors, including substance misuse, reckless driving, binge eating, or promiscuous sex.
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Friday, July 8, 2011

Antisocial/Psychopathic Type

Individuals who match this personality disorder type are arrogant and self-centered, and feel privileged and entitled. They have a grandiose, exaggerated sense of self-importance and they are primarily motivated by self-serving goals. They seek power over others and will manipulate, exploit, deceive, con, or otherwise take advantage of others, in order to inflict harm or to achieve their goals. They are callous and have little empathy for others’ needs or feelings unless they coincide with their own. They show disregard for the rights, property, or safety of others and experience little or no remorse or guilt if they cause any harm or injury to others. They may act aggressively or sadistically toward others in pursuit of their personal agendas and appear to derive pleasure or satisfaction from humiliating, demeaning dominating, or hurting others. They also have the capacity for superficial charm and ingratiation when it suits their purposes. They profess and demonstrate minimal investment in conventional moral principles and they tend to disavow responsibility for their actions and to blame others for their own failures and shortcomings.

Individuals with this personality type are temperamentally aggressive and have a high threshold for pleasurable excitement. They engage in reckless sensation-seeking behaviors, tend to act impulsively without fear or regard for consequences, and feel immune or invulnerable to adverse outcomes of their actions. Their emotional expression is mostly limited to irritability, anger, and hostility; acknowledgement and articulation of other emotions, such as love or anxiety, are rare. They have little insight into their motivations and are unable to consider alternative interpretations of their experiences.

Individuals with this disorder often engage in unlawful and criminal behavior and may abuse alcohol and drugs. Extremely pathological types may also commit acts of physical violence in order to intimidate, dominate, and control others. They may be generally unreliable or irresponsible about work obligations or financial commitments and often have problems with authority figures.
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Monday, July 4, 2011

Avoidant Type

Individuals who match this personality disorder type have a negative sense of self, associated with a profound sense of inadequacy, and inhibition in establishing intimate interpersonal relationships. More specifically, they feel anxious, inadequate, inferior, socially inept, and personally unappealing; are easily ashamed or embarrassed; and are self-critical, often setting unrealistically high standards for themselves. At the same time, they may have a desire to be recognized by others as special and unique. Avoidant individuals are shy or reserved in social situations, avoid social and occupational situations because of fear of embarrassment or humiliation, and seek out situations that do not include other people. They are preoccupied with and very sensitive to being criticized or rejected by others and are reluctant to disclose personal information for fear of disapproval or rejection. They appear to lack basic interpersonal skills, resulting in few close friendships. Intimate relationships are avoided because of a general fear of attachments and intimacy, including sexual intimacy.

Individuals resembling this type tend to blame themselves or feel responsible for bad things that happen, and to find little or no pleasure, satisfaction, or enjoyment in life’s activities. They also tend to be emotionally inhibited or constricted and have difficulty allowing themselves to acknowledge or express their wishes, emotions – both positive and negative – and impulses. Despite high standards, affected individuals may be passive and unassertive about pursuing personal goals or achieving successes, sometimes leading to aspirations or achievements below their potential. They are often risk averse in new situations.
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Friday, June 10, 2011

Schizotypal Type

Individuals who match this personality disorder type have social deficits, marked by discomfort with and reduced capacity for interpersonal relationships; eccentricities of appearance and behavior, and cognitive and perceptual distortions. They have few close friends or relationships. They are anxious in social situations (even when they have the time to become familiar with the situation), feel like outcasts or outsiders, find it difficult to feel connected to others, and are suspicious of others’ motivations, including their spouse, colleagues, and friends.

Individuals with this type are eccentric, odd, or peculiar in appearance or manner (e.g., grooming, hygiene, posture, and/or eye contact are strange or unusual). Their speech may be vague, circumstantial, metaphorical, overelaborate, impoverished, overly concrete, or stereotyped. Individuals with this type experience a limited or constricted range of emotions, and are inhibited in their expression of emotions. They may appear detached and indifferent to other’s reactions, despite internal distress at being “set apart.”

Odd beliefs influence their behavior, such as beliefs in superstition, clairvoyance, or telepathy. Their perception of reality can become further impaired, often under stress, when reasoning and perceptual processes become odd and idiosyncratic (e.g., they may make seemingly arbitrary inferences, or see hidden messages or special meanings in ordinary events) or quasi-psychotic, with symptoms such as pseudo-hallucinations, sensory illusions, over-valued ideas, mild paranoid ideation, or transient psychotic episodes. Individuals with this personality disorder type are, however, able to “reality test” psychotic-like symptoms and can intellectually acknowledge that they are products of their own minds.
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Obsessive-Compulsive Type

Individuals who match this personality disorder type are ruled by their need for order, precision, and perfection. Activities are conducted in super-methodical and overly detailed ways. They have intense concerns with time, punctuality, schedules, and rules. Affected individuals exhibit an overdeveloped sense of duty and obligation, and a need to try to complete all tasks thoroughly and meticulously. The need to try to do things perfectly may result in a paralysis of indecision, as the pros and cons of alternatives are weighed, such that important tasks may not ever be completed. Tasks, problems, and people are approached rigidly, and there is limited capacity to adapt to changing demands or circumstances. For the most part, strong emotions – both positive (e.g., love) and negative (e.g., anger) – are not consciously experienced or expressed. At times, however, the individual may show significant insecurity, lack of self confidence, and anxiety subsequent to guilt or shame over real or perceived deficiencies or failures. Additionally, individuals with this type are controlling of others, competitive with them, and critical of them. They are conflicted about authority (e.g., they may feel they must submit to it or rebel against it), prone to get into power struggles either overtly or covertly, and act self-righteous or moralistic. They are unable to appreciate or understand the ideas, emotions, and behaviors of other people.
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Love Is Cinta, I'm Sorry, Please Forgive Me, I Love YOU, THANK YOU
Cuteki greetings

Counselor To Be

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabaratuh.

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Semoga penulisan yang dikongsikan dan tercoret di dalam blog ini akan memberi kebaikan buat diri penulis dan pembaca.Kepada bakal kaunselor, terutamanya sahabat-sahabat Batch Realiti, semoga kita akan menjadi kaunselor yang hebat satu hari nanti.A Journey Of Thousand Miles Start With A Single Step! Siti hajar Aliyais

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